Helping Small Business Lenders Manage Commercial Credit Risk

SBFE Delivers Risk Management Solutions Through Strategic Relationships.

Our Members choose to be part of a highly trusted reciprocal marketplace to ensure their small business data is protected and aid in the vitality of the small business ecosystem. SBFE Membership is open to any US small business lender who has the ability to report their small business lending data to the SBFE Data Warehouse™.

How the SBFE Model Works

SBFE gathers and protects the largest aggregation of small business payment data in the US and leverages the power of that data to help the small business industry build a true and accurate picture of small business credit.


Small business lenders and merchant acquirers become members and contribute their commercial performance data to SBFE where it is protected from marketing use.


SBFE normalizes data received from members and governs both contribution quality and SBFE vendor compliance.

STEP 3: SBFE Certified Vendors

Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, Experian and LexisNexis Risk Solutions are the SBFE-approved commercial credit reporting agencies who develop risk products using SBFE Data exclusively for members.

STEP 4: SBFE members

Members may purchase SBFE Data-driven products developed and offered by SBFE Certified Vendors for their credit decisioning and portfolio monitoring functions.

SBFE Membership Offers

SBFE Members rely on SBFE’s distinctive information security, risk and data governance controls. This confidence attracts lenders and merchant acquirers of all sizes and types from across the industry, making SBFE Data™ a rich and robust information source to enable sound credit risk management decisions.

Data Governance

Consistent monitoring and membership control of all contributed business data ensures high quality data

Highly Predictive Data

Deep and broad penetration into small business payment performance that tends to outperform other data sources for credit decisioning purposes


A single feed to SBFE greatly simplifies your operations while enabling innovation and competition through SBFE’s multi-Certified Vendor model

Industry Leadership

Advocacy and partnership opportunities with industry peers to grow your business and better help your small business customers